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AoC '23 3B

Problem Statement

This is a similar problem to 3A.

Now, rather than compare between slices for each line, we are comparing between lines. We are comparing groupings of 3 lines. What we aim to do is find the score of the common item for each 3 lines and add it to the accumulator, just like in the previous problem.


For the above input, we have two groupings of 3, for a total of 6 lines. The top 3 lines share the letter ‘r’; the bottom group shares ‘Z’. Therefore, the sum is score(r) + score(Z), which is 18 + 52.

Given many of these groups, we are to find their total score.


For this, we are again going to turn to HashSet. But this time, we’re comparing 3 separate HashTypes to get the common elements between them. This makes it a little bit more difficult, because most set membershi methods for HashSet can compare only one set to one other set. Here, we need to compare 3 sets (A similar problem for groups of \(k\) would need to do membership checks on \(k\) HashSets).

So let’s say we have a group of lines A, B, C that has a bunch of stuff in it. Some things are shared between members, but only one thing, Q – a set with only one element – is shared by all three members. That is what we are looking for, the value of that single element in Q.

HashSet can only look at intersections between two elements at once. So our algorithm will do something like this:

def part_two(input):
    groups = chunk(input, 3)
    accumulator = 0
    for linegroup in groups:
        A, B, C = linegroup
        AB = set(A).intersect(set(B))
        element = set(C).intersect(AB).next()
        accumulator += score(element)
    return accumulator

We’ll assume that chunk will iterate 3 elements at a time (e.g. linegroup is a tuple of 3 lines that we unpack into A, B, and C).

Now, this algorithm works for three items, but I would like to generalize it to \(k\) elements. We can alter the algorithm slightly:

def part_two(input):
    groups = chunk(input, k)
    accumulator = 0
    for linegroup in groups:
        Q = set()
        for i, line in enumerate(linegroup):
            if i == 0:
                Q = set(line)
                Q = Q.intersect(set(line))
        element = Q.next()
        accumulator += score(element)

With this algorithm, we exploit the fact that the result of any intersection of a set A and B will always produce a subset of both A and B. Thus, every time we do the step Q.intersect(set(line)), we know that intersect will reduce the size of Q, because we cannot add elements by intersection; the largest subset of a set is simply the set itself! So intersect cannot ever give us a bigger set.

A smarter version of this algorithm may finish early, if we check the length of Q at line 11 and bail early if len==1.

Now, let’s look at time complexity.

All Chunk does is grab parts of the list at a time, so chunking through an array is the same as iterating through an array, so the runtime is \(O(n)\). Transforming each line into a set will take \(O(m)\) for line length \(m\). But for us, our line is going to be very short, so we can assume making a set our of each line is \(O(1)\).

Now, intersect is \(O(n)\) where \(n\) is the smaller of the two sets (this makes sense; the largest possible intersection of two sets is just the smaller set). Again: \(O(1)\), we’re dealing with very small sets here.

These are the two important operations of our time-complexity analysis, so the time complexity in total is \(O(n)\) for \(n\) lines.


pub fn part_two(input: &str) -> Option<u32> {
    // lines -> byte arrays
    let barr: Vec<&[u8]> = input.lines()
            |x| x.as_bytes()

    // sum we will accumulate over
    let mut sigma: u32 = 0;
    // chunk size 3 -> groups of 3
    for group in barr.chunks(3) {
        let mut group_common: HashSet<&u8> = HashSet::new();
        for (i, member) in group.iter().enumerate() {
            let member_items: HashSet<&u8> = HashSet::from_iter(*member);
            // we'll compare other members to the first member. So we put him
            // into group_common
            if i == 0 {
                group_common = member_items;
            // subsequent members, we'll do the actual compare
            else {
                group_common.retain(|x| member_items.contains(*x));
        // now we need to actually score and accumulate
        let mut group_common_iter = group_common.iter();
        match group_common_iter.next() {
            Some(x) => {
                sigma += charbyte_to_score(*x);
            None => {panic!("Group had no elements in common!");}
        // finally, let's just make sure we don't have any common sets
        // with length > 1.
        if group_common_iter.next().is_some() {
            panic!("Group has more than one element in common!");
    return Some(sigma);